Thank you! The service name is often the first thing defined in a serverless.yml file. If you are in a directory with a serverless.yml, the parameters will be listed for the org, app, and service specified in the serverless.yml file: If you are in a directory without a serverless.yml, or if you want to access parameters from another org, app, service, stage, or region, you can pass in the optional flags: Individual parameters can also be accessed from the CLI using the param get sub-command. This is only necessary for functions where the private property is set to true. It allows you to be alerted when the status of your state machine changes to ABORTED, FAILED, RUNNING, SUCCEEDED or TIMED_OUT. The Serverless framework gives you an intuitive way to reference multiple variables as a fallback strategy in case one of the variables is missing. This can make referencing the state machine easier/simpler because you don't have to duplicate the interpolation logic everywhere you reference the state machine. For my own Java framework I ran into the issue of stage-specific parameters and didnt see an obvious solution in the documentation here. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. This helps reduce any cases where developers accidentally edit/delete production resources. Clients connecting to this Rest API will then need to set any of these API keys values in the x-api-key header of their request. As deprecations, plugins, and cloud resources multiply, so does the noisiness of the CLI. Oops! provider: name: aws runtime: python3.6 region: us-east-2 profile: yash-sanghvi . exactly like with Express Workflows. Did you enjoy reading this article?Would you like to learn more about software craft in data engineering and MLOps? These are permanent instances like prod, staging and dev. This way, you can easily change the schedule for all functions whenever you like. The best practice to ensure uniqueness is by parameterizing resource names with the name of the stage. You can also express the above Fn::GetAtt function as Fn::GetAtt: [HelloLambdaFunction, Arn]. Use --data and pass is any format of data you want to send it to the local lambda. It is valid to use the empty string in place of